Tuesday, July 11, 2006

missing stuff [revised]

I've gotten used to the idea that things go missing now and again. Little things, like the folding cash that turns up three months later in a pants pocket, or the good ballpoint pen that doesn't turn up at all.

Lately, I am missing a box of slides. This is a big steel box, about 8 by 14 inches, that holds about 750 color slides, all taken in Europe in the late 60's when I was stationed in Germany.

We were burglarized right after Thanksgiving. One of my theories is that the burglar took it, the same guy who left behind credit cards and jewelry, and who almost took an old CD player (not a portable player but the big kind you plug into a stereo system) but dropped it by the window on his way out. Nah, that makes no sense. But he did take my digital camera, so maybe he has an interest in photography. Nope, that still doesn't make sense.

I've challenged my wife to find it. I am famous for not being able to find things that threaten to trip me as I walk by them.

It must be around here somewhere.

[The burglar didn't take it. I know I looked at it in March of this year. Now the Big Q is, where could I have mislaid a big heavy steel box full of slides? New theory: The house is haunted. The same ghost who spirited away, so to speak, my new electric sander decided he, or maybe she, needs some cheap entertainment during the day when we aren't at home to provide such entertainment. That makes more sense than the burglar theory.]

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