Wednesday, November 30, 2005

*&@#!! - part 2

In addition to the camera, cell phone, keys and a chocolate bar, the [horribly offensive expletive deleted] took my wife's little piggy bank, which was stuffed with quarters. It isn't the quarters she'll miss. The piggy bank was a gift to her when she was born. You cannot replace a thing like that.

The window is semi-repaired. The new glass will keep out the rain but the fasteners for the moving parts of the window might not be replaceable (it is an old window). I used a bolt and nut from my lifetime collection of spare bolts and nuts but they are too large to fit the clearance. I'll check the hardware store -- maybe I'll get lucky. That leaves the cut screens to be repaired, one inside the house and one section of the pool screen. It also leaves the wooden gate and fence section that the [vile expletive deleted] knocked down, not because he's strong but because the 4 x 4 post is rotted at ground level.

We have new keys. Some but not all of the mess is cleaned up. The good stuff he missed is in a new safe deposit box. The [nasty expletive deleted] did me one favor, though. He forced me to confront, and discard, a truly strange assortment of old socks, old shorts, and one silly tank top that crept into my dresser drawer years ago and hid from public scrutiny until the contents were dumped on the floor.

Here's one note of levity which demonstrates how smart the [can't say that word either] is. I have an exterior light with a motion detector. He saw the motion detector, assumed it was a camera, picked up an eight-foot section of landscaping timber, and knocked it off its mount. He didn't break it, though. It hangs from its cable and still works. If it was a camera, it would have gotten a really good photo of his stupid face.

1 comment:

Al said...

The world seems to be full of idiots. Lindsay's car was broken into - there was nothing in it to steal, but now she has a smashed passenger-side window and, because it rained, a soaking wet interior.