Saturday, August 14, 2004

trying to reason with hurricane . . .

Devastating. That is the one word used most often to describe the effects of a hurricane. The word "hurricane" is even part of one dictionary's definition of "devastating:" (adj) wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction; possessing annihilative power; a "devastating hurricane." Note the "complete" in "complete destruction."

When I bragged yesterday about going back to the old hum-drum, I wasn't thinking of the people who first lost their windows, then their roof, then everything they owned. They no longer have a hum-drum to go back to.

I was ready to claim credit for our close call because no hurricane has ever made a direct hit on any town I've ever lived in. But, this morning, the paper has a story about some old Greeks in Tarpon Springs who believe St. Nicholas (the saint, not Santa) protects their city. They may have something there. Donna went way east, Alma (1968) went to the north, and now this. It makes no sense and you can't reason with it. I can subscribe to the Greeks' theory.

Trivia for today: The muscles you use cutting with two-handed limb-loppers are basically the same as the muscles you use swimming freestyle. The lactic acid left over from Thursday's pool session told me so.

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