Saturday, September 01, 2007

Democrats: Hell-bent on self-destruction?

"I'm not a member of any organized polical party. I'm a Democrat." That's an old joke by Will Rogers.

He was right then, and he'd be right today.

The Democratic National Party has gone beyond disorganization. They lost their focus, and national and local elections, for too many years by pandering to every single-issue consistuency we have. Now, on the verge of winning the White House because the Republican Party is crumbling before our eyes, the DNC has threatened that Florida's delegates will not be seated at the national convention. Why? Because our Republican-controlled state legislature changed the schedule for all party primaries to January 29, and our early primary will upstage Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire.

I've been a registered Democrat all my life. At the time I registered, Leon County had no Republican Party to speak of and, if you registered Republican, you couldn't vote in a primary election. If my vote in the 2008 primary election doesn't count because the delegates from my state, the fourth-largest state, have been blocked from the party convention by the party itself, I will change my registration to Republican.

Will Rogers also said, "You have to be an optimist to be a Democrat, and a humorist to stay one." He was right about that, too. I'm an optimist, but I've lost my sense of humor somewhere along the way.

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