Thursday, November 02, 2006

I canna take this abuse any longer

Here's your typical political campaign advertisement, heard on TV in Florida:

"My opponent, _______, is a tax-and-spend liberal. She (*) has voted for tax increases 28 times. She's voted to protect child molesters, give amnesty to illegals, raise your insurance rates, and place your children at risk. She's spent money lavishly on herself, thanks to the contributions of the gambling industry. She wants to promote the liberal agendaat the expense of family values. She favors gun control, abortion, and gay rights. She voted against legislation making English the official language and protecting the sanctity of marriage beween a man and a woman. She wants to cut and run, not stay the course. Call __________ and tell her we can't afford her. I'm _________ and I approve this message."

*or, substitute "he"

Meanwhile, she is running this advertisement:

"My opponent, _______, is a tax-and-spend liberal. He (*) has voted for tax increases 28 times. He's voted to protect child molesters, give amnesty to illegals, raise your property taxes, and place your children at risk. He's spent money lavishly on himself, thanks to the contributions of the insurance industry. He wants to promote the liberal agenda at the expense of family values. He favors gun control, abortion, and gay rights. He voted against legislation making English the official language and protecting the sanctity of marriage beween a man and a woman. He wants to cut and run, not stay the course. Call __________ and tell him we can't afford him. I'm _________ and I approve this message."

*or, substitute "she"

At this point, all the ads have run together. Being a trusting soul I believe all of them. All of the candidates are up to no good but I've decided the Democratic crooks are a better bet than the Republican crooks. Next Tuesday, the ads will stop. I can hardly wait.

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