Sunday, August 21, 2005

the new bridge

Ta-daa! The new bridge to Clearwater Beach
is now open.

This photo was taken while it was under
construction (note the scaffolding, etc.). It
is a "high" bridge, designed to let sailboats
pass under it without the infuriating delays
caused by the old drawbridge being held

I'll have to post a photo of the bridge in its final completed stage, whenever they have it finally completed, but this will give you a good idea of the final results.

The old bridge, from the foot of Cleveland Street, is closed and will be demolished. That will be the end of the historic downtown Clearwater, which will suffer the fate of all the towns on historic Route 66 when the Interstate passed them by. Sad, but there hasn't been much downtown worth going to for many years, not since the retailers opened new stores in the malls and closed their downtown stores.

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