Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Go, Seminoles

News flash: "Florida State University can continue to use 'Seminoles' as its nickname. The NCAA issued a statement today saying it is removing FSU from the list of colleges and universities subject to restrictions on the use of Native American mascots, names and imagery at NCAA championships."

Being an FSU alumnus, I am glad to see this.

Back in the Dark Ages, when I was an undergraduate, FSU had "Sammy Seminole," a gymnast who could do back-flips the entire length of the football field (no mean feat). FSU also used a stupid-looking cartoon that would truly be insulting to Indians of all nations by today's standards. . .or even by the standards of that unenlightened age.

Even so, the word on campus was that the Seminoles were selected because they were the only undefeated Indian nation in the land, having fought the U.S. Army to a standstill in several campaigns. Also, the other good Florida icons (gators, hurricanes, rattlers, etc.) were taken. Flamingos, mosquitos, and giant cockroaches don't lend themselves to athletic imagery. The pity was that our football team, though valiant, couldn't claim the same record against Gators, Bulldogs, Wildcats, and other creatures of the forest that the Seminoles maintained against the Army.

Flash forward a few years. "Sammy Seminole" became "Chief Osceola" on horseback, wearing a reasonably authentic Seminole Indian outfit and brandishing a flaming spear. Never mind that the historic Osceola was not exactly a chief, or even a Seminole. Never mind that the actual Seminoles did not ride horses and didn't use bows, arrows, or spears much after they figured out the rifle. The point was that the un-authentic Plains Indian garb worn by "Sammy Seminole" was gone and so was the stupid cartoon. In its place was a much more respectable figure of a genuine Indian leader. As if in response to an improved "look," the football team turned into a major national powerhouse - but, alas, without maintaining the undefeated record of the Seminole nation.

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