Saturday, July 16, 2005

July in Florida

The problem with going to Boston on the Fourth is, you have to come home soooner or later. It's July, and it's hot. Danged hot. We don't get 100-degree days here like in some other parts of the country but when the humidity is 99 percent the "hot as" factor is about 300 degrees. I mowed my front and back lawns today - don't usually mow them both on the same day in the summer - and I'm sitting here recuperating. Good news: The crape myrtle I planted a year ago is finally showing blooms. I'll put up a photo later. Bad news: The key lime tree has about six limes on it and no evidence of wanting to bear any more this summer. But she's a tough tree, having survived a freeze and two close calls from hurricanes, so there's always hope. After what she went through last summer she's entitled to rest, like I am right now.

1 comment:

megan said...

yay she has fruit! i didn't think the tree would make it back after last summer when it was ripped practically in half. amazing!