Sunday, January 09, 2005


My New Year's Resolution for 2005 is very simple: T.C.O.

That stands for Throw Crap Out. My wife and I tend to be pack rats. I inherited the trait from my father who, although not as bad as I am, saved every one of his income tax returns from the 1940's onward. Nineteen years in the same house, a house with no basement and no attic, have generated a mountain of stuff in our garage. Some of that stuff is now history thanks to our kids, and more is destined to go out soon. This is true in my office as well, where an amazing pile of stuff has accumulated in four point five years. I'm discovering something that is liberating. Once you start moving crap out, you want to get rid of more of it. You begin to see floor space and table tops you haven't seen in a long time. Less does mean more. With less stuff sitting around I can find the few things I actually need because they aren't buried. Dang, I wish I'd discovered this sooner.

1 comment:

megan said...

hooooooooorah! an epiphany!