Sunday, January 09, 2005

how to impress your son's fiancee

I haven't made an entry here since. . .oh. . .last year sometime, so it's time to get caught up. We had a great Christmas, with all four of our kids home plus our son's fiancee, who arrived the day after Christmas. In keeping with our desire to impress our prospective daughter-in-law, our heating system died, followed immediately by the dishwasher. On New Year's Day, my son and I contracted a touch of food poisoning, which is an effete way of saying we woke early upchucking. She participated in the Great Clean the Garage Project, which means she saw nineteen years worth of family "stuff" stacked up in no particular order, in what serves as a substitute for a basement in a Florida house. (She gets the credit for discovering my passport, which I knew was "around here somewhere.") The night before they left the clothes dryer croaked, leaving our son a small pile of wet tee-shirts for him to pack. They are still engaged, the last I heard. Good choice, Son.

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