Thursday, January 15, 2009

counting down the hours

George W. Bush has four more days plus a few hours to occupy the office of President of the United States. I'd be happy if he would hit the road for Texas tomorrow and be done with it. The following web site is counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until high noon on January 20, at which time his term of office ends and the term of Barack Obama begins:

To my friend(s) from high school and in-law(s) who have been sending me bad jokes about Barack Obama, please understand that I am deleting them faster than you are forwarding them. (Why are none of them ever original to the sender?). They are not funny and I am not amused, or would not be amused if I bothered to look at them. You may as well just relax and see what happens over the next four years. Mr. Obama won. Get over it. To paraphrase what our British cousins say when the royal crown passes to another head, the President is gone to Texas, long live the President.

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