Monday, November 17, 2008

well, one more

I know I said I'd stop writing political entries for the rest of this year, but I can't help myself.

Senator John McCain, appearing on Jay Leno's show, said he has been "sleeping like a baby" since the election: " . . . out for two hours . . . wake up, cry . . . out for two hours . . . wake up, cry . . ."

Memo to the Republican Party: Fire the vicious meatheads who have been orchestrating your campaigns lately, and let your candidates be themselves. With a little more humor like Senator McCain is capable of demonstrating, and with the kind of class and dignity he exhibited in his concession speech, he could be the President-Elect today.

I know you won't do that, and as a Democrat it pleases me to know you will continue to run the sort of no-class hatchet jobs you've been running, but as an American I deplore the divisive, cutthroat campaigns that play into the hands of certain talk show hosts but otherwise prevent us from uniting to solve problems.

Speaking of divisiveness, consider this: A Catholic priest in South Carolina has told his parishioners that, if they voted for Obama, they should repent or stay away from communion. Do we need any more evidence as to why certain branches of organized religion, and in particular the Roman Catholic Church, have become not only irrelevant but counterproductive to the needs of the world?

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