Saturday, February 18, 2006

peach to lemon

We are having perfect weather and I have Monday off, and I can't think of a better project than to paint our house.

Our house has been pink ("peach," she corrected) since the memory of man knoweth not to the contrary. (OK, maybe it's been 17 years, more or less, but you don't get to use that expression very often). One good thing about pink, er, peach, is that even when it's been faded by the Florida sun, it still looks pink . Here's a photo of the original color that's been hidden behind a shutter, and a sample of what the rest of the house looks like.

Today, the opening phase of the project was to rent a pressure cleaner and clean the walls, from the ground up. The "ground" phase involved a lot of flying mud and paint chips.

When we lived in Boca Raton, I cleaned and painted the entire house by myself one weekend. It was the weekend of the Liberty City riots down in Miami, if you want to look it up. My wife and kids were taking life easy over in Naples. I was pleased to finish that task before they came home, but my enthusiasm for house painting hasn't been quite the same since then. In fact, the peach paint was applied to our house by our church music director and his wife and kids, who sold their painting services at an auction that benefitted the church. They did such a fine job that I've not wanted to disturb it all these years. But, there's no getting around it, it's way past time to paint again.

The next color will be yellow ("lemon"). The door and shutters might be purple but that is a point of contention at the moment. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

megan said...



dark teal!
dark teal!
dark teal!

either works for me.