Friday, July 30, 2004

bloggin' along

I don't have this blog business down yet by a long shot. I'm not sure if this is like a personal diary that the entire world can read, an unsent e-mail that sits here waiting to be seen by who knows who, or an outlet for a bush-league creative writing talent stunted by a career of writing legal stuff. My high school Latin helps with the legal writing, but doesn't help at all with the creative part. Legal writing has limited objectives: (1) Persuade judges that justice is on your client's side, (2) memorialize an agreement with specificity, or (3) state what you cannot do where, when, and with whom, as in a city ordinance. Even the description of legal writing is boring. I'm learning not to react to what I read on other blogs, which adds to my confusion. Check back the end of August. Maybe the muse will have struck in the meantime.

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