Monday, September 11, 2006

I want a fun, frivolous subject here

I want a subject less somber, less serious, than hurricanes and the foolishness of our President and his top-level advisors such as Rummy, the Secretary of War. No, that was the old title. The current title is, Secretary of Defense.

So, the latest hurricane is going to roll into the North Atlantic in time for us to fly over it on our way to Scotland. Should be a fun view from 40,000 feet or whatever altitude we're cruising at. That's as close as I want to get to another hurricane.

And, believe it or not, a few Floridians noticed a faint treble from an earthquake in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday. Really, really faint. So now we can add earthquakes to hurricanes, tornados, sharks and alligators as reasons why you Yankees ought not to sell the family homestead and move to Florida.

The Bucs lost their opening game, the Red Sox are killing themselves, the Devil Rays can't get started, . . . no wait, here's some good news: The FSU Seminoles held on to edge Troy. Troy? TROY?

I'm still looking for a fun, frivolous subject, here. I'd share a "joke" I heard on Sunday but, nah, I'd better not. It wasn't all that funny.

Thursday, we leave for Scotland. Now, that should be a source of fun topics but you will have to wait until we got back.

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