Saturday, July 29, 2006

actual bumper stickers

I wish I had one, or more, of these bumper stickers:

Blind faith in bad leadership is not patriotism.

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

If you supported Bush, a yellow ribbon won't make up for it.

Poverty, health care, & homelessness are moral issues.

Of course it hurts. You're getting screwed by an elephant.

Bush lied, and you know it.

Religious fundamentalism: a threat abroad, a threat at home.

God bless everyone (no exceptions).

Bush spent your Social Security on his war.

Pro America, anti Bush.

Who would Jesus bomb?

Feel safer now?

I'd rather have a president who screwed his intern than one who screwed his country.

Jesus was a social activist -- that is a liberal.

My values? Free speech. Equality. Liberty. Education. Tolerance.

Is it 2008 yet?

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." -- Thomas Jefferson.

Don't blame me. i voted against Bush -- twice!

Annoy a conservative: think for yourself.

Visualize impeachment.

Hey Bush! Where's Bin Laden?

Corporate media = mass mind control.

Stop mad cowboy disease.

George W. Bush: making terrorists faster than he can kill them.

Keep your theocracy off my democracy.

Democrats are sexy. Whoever heard of a good piece of elephant?

Corporate media: weapons of mass deception.

Stem cell research is pro life.

Hate, greed, ignorance: weapons of mass destruction.

Honor our troops: demand the truth.

Rebuild iraq? Why not spend 87 (now 400) billion on America?

Fact: Bush oil
1999 - $19 barrel
2006 - $70 barrel

The last time religion controlled politics, people got burned at the stake.

I'll give up my choice when John Roberts gets pregnant.

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