Tuesday, August 16, 2005

my old church

This is the interior of the sanctuary of Calvary Baptist Church, in Clearwater, Florida. Built in the 1920's, its days are numbered. The church got too big for its britches. First, it built a new, huge sanctuary adjoining this one, and now it has sold the property to a developer so they can build a new church on the east side of town. The new one is ugly. The old one will be torn down for condos on the bluff overlooking the harbor. There are millions of dollars at stake, here.

This was the church we attended when we moved to Clearwater. I never noticed the floor being so good looking because the room was filled with pews and our attention was riveted by an old-style Baptist preacher.

Up in the corner, not visible in this photo, are little angelic heads that probably have a fancy architectural name. They fill in the corners where the walls and ceiling and arches meet, and on top of columns. There was a sweet little old lady who attended our church, and the word was that she was the model for the angel heads when she was a little girl. It bothers me to think of those angel heads being torn out and shipped off to the land fill. Unless they come up with a way to save the building, don't be surprised if I am caught some night inside the sanctuary with a hammer and chisel, rescuing a few angels.

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