Friday, November 13, 2009

four down, two to go

I'm now four down and two to go with the chemo treatments for lymphoma, and the good news for me is that my "pet" scan shows no active cancer cell activity. A "pet" scan is not like an X-ray. It traces a radioactive glucose solution that runs through your body starting about an hour before the scan. Because the cancer cells gobble up the glucose faster than normal cells, they "light up" on the scan so the doctor can see where they are located.

The scan showed some enlarged tissues but the doctor said they are scar tissue or dead tissue that will be absorbed by the body.

The most obvious sign, for me, is that my swollen left foot and leg have gone down dramatically in the past few days. Today I wore shoes, not sandals, for the first time since this whole thing started back in August.

Light at the end of the tunnel!


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