Thursday, April 21, 2005

The GAL of my dreams

No doubt about it, I am married to the gal of my dreams. She's also a "GAL" (Guardian ad Litem), a court-appointed volunteer assigned to watch over children from extraordinarily dysfunctional families. Tonight she received nice recognition from a non-profit organization that exists to provide support the State of Florida cannot provide, ranging from clothing and birthday cakes to piano lessons and summer camp. She was one of ten nominees from the two-county Sixth Judicial Circuit out of approximately 200 guardians ad litem. . .truly, an honor just to be nominated.

I was going to upload a scanned image of the certificate she brought home, but Blogger wants me to use Picasa and "Hello," the former being a bloated kludge and the latter being dysfunctional. ("Network unreachable.") So, if my four irregular readers want to see it, you know how to ask.

1 comment:

megan said...

you can post the picture on the family website and then link to it on your blog... use the <img src="your-final-url"> tag... email me if you need help doing this.