Tuesday, February 22, 2005

sometimes, a sick day at work can be a good day

I shouldn't have gone to work today. I've been hacking and spitting for a week with a bronchial infection. But I went anyway because I had a project that absolutely postively had to be finished and filed in federal court by five o'clock.

The incoming mail made it all worthwhile. One, we won a building demolition case that we'd won already but it was taken to Atlanta on appeal. I suspected we'd win, but I was disappointed not to get one of those 20-page opinions with all sorts of discussions of the facts and the law. All we got was a two page order saying "affirmed," which is exactly what we wanted. Second, we won a silly zoning case where the issue was, should the garage doors face south towards the avenue, or east towards the street? The judge dismissed it, which is what I wanted.

I haven't done so well on days when I felt 110 percent and full of piss and vinegar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Tues. is when I got sick too... I'd blame it on you, but for the distance issue :) Hope that you are feeling better than me!! laurel