Tuesday, November 02, 2004

one prediction I couldn't quite make

I predicted the Red Sox win (along with 80 percent of Red Sox fans), and then I questioned whether the Republican National Committee was behind the recent resurrection of Osama bin Laden - about an hour before Walter Cronkite wondered the same thing out loud on national television. (There's a new generation who won't remember how much we trusted Uncle Walter to tell it like it is. Only he could say what he said and get away with it.) But there is one prediction I've been holding off, believing it with all my heart but not wanting to look stupid: I was almost ready to post a blog note here predicting that Osama would be produced either alive or dead within 48 hours before the election. Here was are, five hours before the polls open in the East, and no Osama. Why I am up at this ungodly hour is a different story - visualize a flat tire, can't find my air pump, gotta be at the airport tomorrow to pick up my wife, but Wal Mart is open 24 hours a day and Wal Mart carries air pumps. There are no lines at Wal Mart this time of night. But that's a different story. Meanwhile, Osama is still out there. Have we doubled the reward, yet? How hard is it to find a guy over six feet tall who needs dialysis and hides out in the mountains?

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